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Termin: Festival: Elektroanschlag 2020 - CANCELD

in Veranstaltungen
Hinzugefügt von Räuber Hotzenplotz , 01. Sep. 2018

Findet statt 03. Apr. 2020 bis 05. Apr. 2020 18:00 - 04:30 (Mehrtägiger Termin)

Räuber Hotzenplotz

ELEKTROANSCHLAG 2020 (2020-03-12)
EA2020 canceled - the virus is stronger.
A dark hour for the Elektroanschlag, perhaps the darkest ...
Unfortunately we have to cancel EA2020.
On the first weekend in April, people from all over Germany, Europe, even Japan and the USA wanted to come to Altenburg, a small town in Thuringia. That is exactly what is pushing us to make this decision.
There are many opinions about Covid-19, and dealing with them is a matter of opinion. You know that and we do too. But nobody can say where the journey is going. What will the situation be like next week, will the situation improve in 2 weeks, or will events with 100 people be prohibited (as in Prague)? How do restrictions change, when are they tightened and loosened?
All in all, too much uncertainty for us and probably for you too - apart from cancellation and contract periods. We hope to be able to keep the “damage” for everyone - guests & artists - as low as possible by announcing our decision relatively early.
We are very, very sorry for everyone involved, but it would be even more so if, because of our wish to “absolutely” go through our festival, volunteers, artists, guests or relatives could suffer health consequences.
We can not say at this point in time how Elektroanschlag will continue. It certainly depends on how big (not only) the financial damage is in the end.
Give us a few days to consider details on how to refund the tickets you bought. You will definitely get your money back. The production of the EA2020 CD is currently on hold, but for this we will also find a solution.



DIAPHANE (F) - Diaphane
FARGO (D) - Fargo Official
HEIMSTATT YIPOTASH (D) - heimstatt yipotash
LOOP MOTOR (D) - Loop Motor
PALE (SE) - Pale
VAN BLOOMEN (D) - Van Bloomen
WYCHDOKTOR (CAN) - Wychdoktor
BOLEHLAV (CZ) - Bolehlav
DEVILS BREATH (MT) - Devil's Breath
JOSE MACABRA (UK) - Jose Macabra
SANS-FIN (D) - Sans Fin
STASIS DEVICE (D) - Stasis Device
DJ PARADROID (D) - DJ Paradroid
DJ :[S20]: (F) - :[S20]:
DJ THEDI (D) - Thedi


inklusive warm-up party am 02.04.2020 mit:


weitere Infos & Tickets (50,00 € im VVK) gibt es unter:


Altenburger Brauerei
Brauereistraße 20
04600 Altenburg

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