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Termin: Konzert: Molchat Doma

in Veranstaltungen
Hinzugefügt von Fleddermaus , 30. Sep. 2019

Findet statt 18. Okt. 2019 21:00 (Eintägiger Termin)


A band operating on the borderlines of post-punk, new-wave and darker ends of synth-pop, hailing from Belarus, playing music that is dark and danceable at the same time. It is a perfect emulation of the genre yet instantly recognizable as theirs, with lyrics sung in Russian. On top of that – it sounds like a mix of everything a contemporary goth can wish for, and it also sounds an awful lot like the Belarusian band Molchat Doma (which translates as “Houses are silent”).


Currently a trio with Egor Shkutko on vocal duties, Roman Komogortsev on guitar, synths, and drum machine. Including Pavel Kozlov on bass and synths, the band released their second album on the Berlin label Detriti Records


T I C K E T S: online via oder bei CULTON, Peterssteinweg 9!

Eintritt: 13€

UT Connewitz
Wolfgang-Heinze-Straße 12a
D-04277 Leipzig
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