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Termin: Konzert: Amour Fou

in Veranstaltungen
Hinzugefügt von Fleddermaus , 30. Jan. 2020

Findet statt 06. Feb. 2020 20:00 (Eintägiger Termin)


Amour Fou is the dreamy sound creation of singer/songwriter Lisa from the alternative noise-pop band This Love Is Deadly.


The songs are a collection of dreams, desires, fears... cosmic sparks that let her speak the things she cannot express otherwise.


Over the past year Amour Fou has recorded and produced her debut album, which will be released in February 2020.


In support of her album release she will play a show at NBL in Leipzig.

Merseburger Straße 25
D-04229 Leipzig
Alle NochBesserLeben-Events (70)
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