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Termin: Konzert: The Nightflight Orchestra + One Desire

in Veranstaltungen
Hinzugefügt von Fleddermaus , 28. Feb. 2020

Findet statt 26. Mär. 2020 19:30 (Eintägiger Termin)




”You can’t do that”.
That’s what everyone’s been telling The Night Flight Orchestra for all these years.
When Björn Strid and David Andersson deciced to start a Classic Rock band back in the late 00’s, everyone said ”You can’t do that”.
When they finally found the right band members, started releasing albums, and began to feel slightly optimistic about perhaps being able to take The Night Flight Orchestra to the next level and become a touring headline act and reach a wider audience, everyone said ”You can’t do that”.
When The Night Flight Orchestra got a record deal with Nuclear Blast and decided to release a feministic space opera in two parts, everyone said ”You can’t do that”.
When The Night Flight Orchestra decided to take their sound appearance even further and add the voluptous singing air stewardesses The Airline Annas to their line-up, everyone said ”You can’t do that”.
When The Night Flight Orchestra wanted to make the crowds at metal festivals all over Europe to do the conga train and unite in feverish disco dancing, everyone said ”You can’t do that”.
But you know what?
The Night Flight Orchestra have already announced a European headline tour, The Aeromantic Experience”, March-April 2020, and will also appear on numerous fetivals this summer.


Einlass: 18:30 Uhr – Start: 19:30 Uhr
Ticket: 26,- Euro zzgl. VVK-Gebühr – Abendkasse: 32,-Euro

Werkstättenstraße 4
D-04319 Leipzig
Alle Hellraiser-Events (191)
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