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Termin: Bühne: Mira Mann + Marla Spunk

in Veranstaltungen
Hinzugefügt von Fleddermaus , 26. Sep. 2023

Findet statt 25. Okt. 2023 20:00 (Eintägiger Termin)


Mira Mann und Marla Spunk an einem Abend!


Marla Spunk is a visual artist and communication designer based in Leipzig, born in Chemnitz. She studied at Bauhaus Dessau and works as a freelance artist since 2016. 2018 she started a music-/performance project as Marla Spunk (composing/performing)
Mira Mann explores with her work the performative possibilities of spoken and written word in the interface between text, body and music. With the formation of her first band candelilla (2001 – 2017) and the realization of her first own events in 2001, she positions her work in the context of subculture and (pop) music. Mann has published three volumes of poetry with the Cologne-based poetry publisher Parasitenpresse: Gedichte der Angst (2019), Komm einfach (2021), Kontrolle (2023). Her writing starts with her body, locates itself radically vulnerable between power and devotion.

Merseburger Straße 25
D-04229 Leipzig
Alle NochBesserLeben-Events (55)
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