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Termin: Konzert: Wardruna - Ragnarok Tour

in Veranstaltungen
Hinzugefügt von Bert , 10. Okt. 2016

Findet statt 12. Nov. 2016 20:30 (Eintägiger Termin)


+ + + Erstes und exklusives Einzelkonzert in Deutschland!! + + + Konzert ist laut Veranstalter ausverkauft


Einlass: 19:30 Uhr


As previously announced, Wardruna will release the third and final album in the Runaljod trilogy, entitled “Runaljod – Ragnarok” through own label By Norse Music this October and we will follow up with some selected concerts.


12 Nov. LEIPZIG - Eventpalast (GER)


Wardruna is a Norwegian music constellation dedicated to create musical renditions of the Norse cultural and esoteric traditions. With the use of the oldest Nordic instruments and poetic metres as well as lyrics written in Norwegian, Norse and proto-Norse tongue, Wardruna sets out to give new voice to ancient and still relevant ideas and wisdom from the past.


Einar Selvik founded the group in 2002 and has ever since theirpublic debut in 2009, patiently established themselves internationally as important communicators of Norse and Nordic cultural heritage. They are known for doing very few and special concerts, often in places that compliments their music, perhaps most notably when they performed in front of the majestic 1100-year-old Gokstad ship at the Viking Ship Museum in Norway. Over the years Einar Selvik and Wardruna have also gained a broad audience through their substantial musical involvement in History Channel’s hit series VIKINGS.


This October Wardruna will release the third and final part of their rune-based trilogy entitled “Runaljod - Ragnarok” and will do a small tour to support it.



Puschstraße 10
D-04103 Leipzig
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