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Termin: Konzert: Sangre de Muerdago's Solstice: Queimada e Folklore

in Veranstaltungen
Hinzugefügt von Fleddermaus , 29. Nov. 2019

Findet statt 18. Dez. 2019 20:00 (Eintägiger Termin)


On December 18th, approaching the peak of the winter solstice, we'll gather at Bråndstube for a ritual concert in which we will cleanse inside and outside ourselves. We will send away the bad spirits and summon the ones of our lost ones to accompany us. Music and storytelling will follow.
The gates shall open to embrace the season in which traditionally one must look inside, keep for your self, reflect, reborn..


Due to the size of Bråndstube's wine cellar, tickets will be quite limited. Info's will be up here during the following days.

Schletterstraße 1
04107 Leipzig
Alle Bråndstube-Events (8)
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