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Termin: Konzert: The Baboon Show

in Veranstaltungen
Hinzugefügt von Arcanum , 09. Feb. 2023

Findet statt 22. Apr. 2023 22:00 (Eintägiger Termin)


he wait is over! are finally back with their new album GOD BLESS YOU ALL.
Did they become religious? Hell no! THE BABOON SHOW are still on the track of questioning authorities and injustice, in whatever shape they come. GOD BLESS YOU ALL is an endless THE BABOON SHOW rock’n’roll party, exactly how it’s supposed to be.
The album is the band’s tenth studio album and many different world topics are being handled in the twelve songs produced by THE BABOON SHOW and Johan Gustafsson, bass player of The Hives. Most of the work making this album took place during the pandemic. It’s been a lot of blood, sweat and tears to say the least. But now GOD BLESS YOU ALL is finally here and Cecilia, Frida, Håkan and Niclas can’t wait to hit the road and see you all soon on tour!

Eintritt: 33 Euro

Karl-Heine-Straße 32
D-04229 Leipzig
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