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Termin: Konzert: Waldgeflüster with Friisk and Prisma live

in Veranstaltungen
Hinzugefügt von H4VOK , 30. Jul. 2019

Findet statt 21. Dec. 2019 19:00 (Eintägiger Termin)


Armada Events präsentiert:


Waldgeflüster: Black Metal – Emotional, Profound, Nature-Bound…


Waldgeflüster shows an individual mix of melancholic and nature-bound topics. The project, which was founded in autumn 2005, renders homage to Black Metal and its complexity with every note and every word of the lyrical songs. The first demo „Stimmen im Wind“ was released in the summer of the following year. Via the Label Black Blood Records the debut „Herbstklagen” was published in February 2009. The sound of Waldgeflüster was able to capture the recondite might of nature by harmonic but also overwhelming melodies, while the lyrics underlined the projected thoughts and feelings and therefore perfected the record. With his brother P. Winterherz created the concept-record ‘Femundsmarka – eine Reise in drei Kapitel‘ in 2011. After the release of the follow up “Meine Fesseln”, as of August 2014 Waldgeflüster is no longer a solo-project, but a full band. After being live-musicians for several years, Arvagr, Domi, Markus and Thomas are now full members of Waldgeflüster.
With joining the highly acclaimed roster of the Swedish label Nordvis Waldgeflüster released their first split with their brothers Panopticon, shortly followed by the praised album “Ruinen”.
Since 2007 Waldgeflüster played many shows throughout Europe and the world, including highlights such as the Summer Breeze and Ragnarök Festivals, a festival by Hammerheart Brewing Company in the US and the latest one being a tour through Europe in Spring 2018 with Angantyr and Ereb Altor.


In April 2019 'Mondscheinsonaten' will be another bearing step to their journey of music and lyrics. The band will maintain their trademarks but also reach new territories for good. 'Mondscheinsonaten' will add another piece of the puzzle and allow an honest glimpse into the true soul of Waldgeflüster.
The release and first presentation of the new record is spot on. Waldgeflüster will finally bring their brothers of Panopticon to Germany and share stages with them once again. Presented by Redback Promotion, they we will hit Rostock, Leipzig (The lights of the myrid Woods) and Münster (Unausprechliche Culthe Festival) together, followed by a appearance only of Waldgeflüster in Munich (Dark Easter Metal Meeting 2019). The Moose and the Red Deer will go on a trek in April 2019.


Winterherz – Vocals
Thomas Birkmaier – Drums
Dominik Frank – Guitars
Markus Frey – Guitars
Avagr – Bass




Friisk: Black Metal from the depths of East Frisia.


Prisma: New Dust of Black 'n Roll




Einlass: 19.00 Uhr
Beginn: 20.00 Uhr
Ende: ca. 2.00 Uhr
Eintritt: 17.00 EUR
Ort: Barfusz-Club - Markt 9 - 04109 Leipzig


Faire Bierpreise und direkt im Zentrum!




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